Electronic Books

Total Books: 161 - 180 /229
Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions Results of SSPCR 2019—Open Access Contributions

This book offers a selection of research papers and case studies presented at the 3rd international conference “Smart and ...

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Social Background and the Demographic Life Course: Cross-National Comparisons

This book examines how childhood social disadvantage influences young-adult demographic decision-making and later-life economic ...

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Social Capital and Health

As interest in social capital has grown over the past decade—particularly in public health —so has the lack of consensus ...

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Social Democratic Parties and the Working Class New Voting Patterns

This book carefully explores the relationship between social democracy and its working-class electorate in Western Europe. ...

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Social Development in the World Bank Essays in Honor of Michael M. Cernea

This book honors the work of Michael Cernea, who was the World Bank’s first professional sociologist, by taking on and ...

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Social Inequality, Childhood and the Media

This book presents a qualitative longitudinal panel-study on child and adolescent socialisation in socially disadvantaged ...

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Social Innovations in the Urban Context

This book addresses the practice of social innovation, which is currently very much in the public eye. New ideas and approaches ...

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Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity : Cross-National Perspectives in Classifications and Identity Politics

This open access book examines the question of collecting and disseminating data on ethnicity and race in order to describe ...

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Social and Political Dimensions of Mathematics Education : Current Thinking

This book examines the current thinking on five critical social and political areas in mathematics education. It focuses ...

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Society 5.0 A People-centric Super-smart Society

This book introduces readers to the vision on future cities and urban lives in connection with “Society 5.0”, which ...

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Socioeconomic Differences in Old Age Mortality

Provides a comprehensive, thoughtful and critical discussion of all aspects involved in the relationship between socioeconomic ...

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Socioeconomic Inequality and Educational Outcomes

Education systems generally aim to narrow the achievement gap between low- and high-SES students and to improve the performance ...

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Socioeconomic and Environmental Implications of Agricultural Residue Burning : A Case Study of Punjab, India

This book discusses the important issue of the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of agricultural residue burning, common ...

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Sociological Practice

The second edition of this text focuses on how to plan, carry out, analyze, and evaluate interventions at the micro, meso, ...

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Sociology in Germany A History

This book traces the development of sociology in Germany from the late 19th century to the present day, providing a concise ...

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Solidarity and Prosocial Behavior

It is now a well-accepted fact in all human sciences that human behavior is not always governed by egotism and selfish motives. ...

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Solidarity in Europe

This open access volume provides evidence-based knowledge on European solidarity and citizen responses in times of crisis. ...

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Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course

This open access book details tools and procedures for data collections of hard-to-reach, hard-to-survey populations. Inside, ...

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Sustainable Nation: Urban Design Patterns for the Future / Douglas Farr

Embraces the idea that the humanitarian, population, and climate crises are three facets of one interrelated human existential ...

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Taxation, International Cooperation and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda

This book addresses the link between international taxation, the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the medium-term ...

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Total Books: 161 - 180 /229