Electronic Books

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(IOT) Based street light, energy saving control system رياض محمد عمار عبد الوهاب ؛ جودي ذبيان ؛ احمد العبيد ؛ لارا قطان ؛ إشراف د.حنا جرموكلي

Energy efficiency simply means using less energy to perform the same task. That is, to eliminate energy waste. Reducing energy ...

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3D design reconstruction / Nizar Almshantaf ; Abd Al Rahman Helani ; Mouhammed Hegazy ; Baraa Mourad ; MHD Zain Alkhatib

This report will talk about a way to design and rebuild a cheap, true-to-the-truth 3D system using reverse engineering. The ...

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A healthcare professionals training system عدي وائل عامر ؛ حمزة محمد عماد الدين الصباغ ؛ عبد القادر لاذقاني ؛ إشراف د.ندى غنيم

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a type of examination often used in health sciences. It is designed ...

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A vision-based system to early detection of drowning incidents in swimming pools / Ahmad AlKhouli ; Jan Allam ; Tuqa Alkhatib ; Abdulkarim Shahin ; Ahmad Saada

Being one of the leading causes of death; drowning has become a severe problem in the past few years. Our goal from this ...

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AI home decorator / Enaam Anjo , Reham Ghazi and Haya Okar ; supervised by Ubai Sandouk and Khloud Al-Jallad انعام خالد انجو ، رهام غازي و هيا اسامة عوكر ؛ إشراف أبي صندوق و خلود الجلاد

Presents the development of “DesignMate”, an innovative AI home decorator application designed to revolutionize interior ...

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AI sign language translator سيد حسن أكبر موسوي ؛ عمر عامر حايك الأصفر ؛ كنعان الاحمد ؛ طارق هيكل ؛ إشراف د. أنس دهبية

People with disabilities are facing a lot of difficulties every day. Whether it is in social life, work or education environment, ...

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AI virtual mouse system بتول نجف علي ؛ نقولا أو جراب ؛ آية الله سمير خانجي ؛ يزن ماجد الشعبي ؛ إشراف د.رؤوف حمدان

Even today, many people still find interacting with computers and hardware to be an unpleasant experience, despite the development ...

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AIU asset management system (Assettracker) مجد يزن الشطي ؛ محمود عبد الهادي الطوخي ؛ ياسين محمد عماد الدين الميداني ؛ خالد الدمشقي ؛ محمد الحاج حسين ؛ إشراف د. سيرا استور

Assets can be defined as something of value that can be converted into cash, as all institutions and companies own assets ...

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AIU projects evaluation platform عمار ياسر شماع ؛ باسل محمد وئام القوتلي ؛ محمد مؤيد محمد نعيم خولة ؛ إشراف م. اسراء القاسمي

The project is a cloud computing system constructed to provide the service of helping students run their practical projects ...

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Advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) / Roua Hardouf , Taha Alsaadi , Mhd.Ghaith Abo Adleh and Mhd.Shaher Shrshar ; Supervised by Rami Yared and Maher Al-Zehouri رؤى هردوف ، طه ماجد السعدي ، محمد غيث محمد غسان ابوعدلة و محمد شاهر شرشار ؛ إشراف رامي يارد و ماهر الزهوري

The purpose of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) is to reduce or eliminate driver errors, and to enhance efficiency ...

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Android smart health monitoring system / Jalal Sneter ; Mohammad Albourum ; Mohammad Jokhadar ; Micheal Awad

Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in the application of machine learning to clinical informatics and healthcare ...

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Arabic talking heads / Luna Marzouk ; Rasha Albizreh ; Rouaa Alaraj ; Rahmeh Abou Zafra ; Lana Ahmad Abdullah

The need for someone to talk to about what is going on inside us while ensuring privacy has become a necessary requirement, ...

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Artificial intelligence based nutrition app / Amr Shbib ; Yaman Abdullah

As AI becomes a giant trend in the business world, mobile apps are one of the usage areas, which people can benefit from. ...

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Attendnce system during covid-19 / Amer Albezreh ; Iyad Joudallah ; Mohamad Yaseen Shbeeb

Authentication system has become a hot topic in the field of security, one of the most interested methods of authentication ...

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Automatic customizable e-commerce mobile app generator أحمد أيمن القصراوي ؛ طارق باسم البوشي ؛ محمد علاء الدين حسام الدين شوبان ؛ عبد الرحمن محمد عماد الضمان ؛ إشراف د. سعيد دسوقي

Our project would give anyone who would like to start an E-business to Customize their app and generate their own E-market ...

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Automatic video editor / Naeem Alhomsi ; Yahea Najibeh ; Yasser Nourallah ; Ahmad Sukkar

Searching in a large database of videos is one of the challenges faced by the user today as most of the results are inaccurate ...

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Blind smart helmet / Abd-alrahman abo-alnaaj , Waleed Alkaddah , Anas Abou zeid and Omar Agha ; Supervised by Tarek Barhoum and Mohmmad Masre عبد الرحمن ابو النعاج ، وليد القداح ، انس اسامة ابو زيد و عمر محمد فؤاد تمر آغا ؛ إشراف طارق برهوم و محمد المصري

The Smart Helmet for the Blind is a project aimed at providing solutions for the challenges faced by blind individuals in ...

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Bluetooth based indoor location positioning system for mobile robot navigation / Louay Aboalsel ; Mohammad Al-Akel, Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Agha ; Mohammad Ghiath Sallakh

Positioning objects has been an important topic since it’s needed to locate people, guide them to a certain place, and ...

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Brain thoughts recognition محمد عمر حمادة ؛ محمد مجد موفق الحافي ؛ محمد كنان محمد بسام الميداني ؛ عمر ماهر الحلبي ؛ مؤمن شرشار ؛ إشراف د. ندى غنيم

Humans controlling machines with their minds may sound like something from a scifi movie, but it’s becoming a reality through ...

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Building a collaborative project management system : (Click) / Ahmad Zaza ; Mhd Anas Yaseen Al-Sabbagh ; Hiam Al-Meselmani ; Hiam Al-Meselmani

Speaking on construction projects, we can imagine the huge amount of work, effort and time spent to complete any project. ...

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Total Books: 1 - 20 /106