Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 20 /49
3D Printing in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery / Lobat Tayebi, Reza Masaeli, Kavosh Zandsalimi

A comprehensive guide to 3D printing and 3D bioprinting methods and their application in oral and maxillofacial surgeries. ...

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Adhesive Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth / Francesco Manocci, Giovanni Cavalli, Massimo Gagliani

Dentine bonding systems, composite resins and fibre posts have widely replaced cast posts and amalgam as core materials; ...

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Advances in Esthetic Implant Dentistry / Abdelsalam Elaskary

A comprehensive and highly illustrated reference on current topics in esthetic dental implant therapy. Offering innovative ...

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Anesthesia Considerations for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon / Matthew Mizukawa, Samuel J. McKenna, Luis G. Vega,

Strengthens the margin of safety of office-based anesthesia administration by helping practitioners determine whether the ...

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Approche pratique de la couverture des pertes de substance cutanée de la main et des doigts = Practical Approach to Covering Skin Losses from the Hand and Fingers

This book is neither a summary nor an encyclopedia devoted to the treatment of loss of skin substance in the hand. There ...

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Atlas de chirurgie esthétique du sexe de lhomme = Atlas of Male Sexual Aesthetic Surgery

The author nevertheless calls for a certain reserve as to the indications for operation due to the psychological fragility ...

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Cancer du sein

In January 2005, the 9th Cours de Saint-Paul-de-Vence, devoted to Breast Cancer, was dominated by the establishment of "Recommendations ...

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Cancer du sein : Compte rendu du cours supérieur francophone de cancérologie (Saint-Paul-de-V Vence, ence, 18–20 janvier 2007) = Breast cancer: Proceedings of the French-speaking oncology higher course (Saint-Paul-de-V Vence, ence, 18–20 January 2007)

Durant les deux premières journées, toutes les étapes importantes de la prise en charge des cancers du sein ont été ...

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Cancer du sein avancé : 29es Journées de la Société Française de Sénologie et Pathologie Mammaire (SFSPM) Avignon, 14–16 novembre 2007 = Advanced breast cancer: 29th Days of the French Society of Senology and Breast Pathology (SFSPM) Avignon, November 14–16, 2007

These days are an opportunity to remind and persuade those less convinced that the treatment of this very particular phase ...

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Cancer du sujet âgé = Cancer in the elderly

Etablir un diagnostic précoce, définir une stratégie adaptée et offrir une meilleure qualité de vie chez le sujet âgé ...

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Cancer du testicule

Testicular cancer has benefited from important therapeutic advances radically transforming its prognosis. Recent protocols ...

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Chirurgie de lobésité = Obesity surgery

Obesity surgery is a permanent and "open air" project, with many related disciplines contributing to a debate that cannot ...

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Chirurgie esthétique et fonctionnelle de la face

Cet ouvrage centré sur la chirurgie esthétique faciale repose sur une profonde connaissance de l'anatomie, de la physiologie ...

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Chirurgie oncoplastique et reconstruction dans le cancer du sein : Techniques et indications L’expérience de l’Institut Curie = Oncoplastic surgery and reconstruction in breast cancer : Techniques and indications The Institut Curie experience

This book is the application of plastic surgery techniques to cancer situations that is called "oncoplastic" surgery. The ...

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Classifications et scores en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique : I. Hanche, Genou, Rachis = Classifications and scores in orthopedic and trauma surgery: I. Hip, Knee, Spine

This book of classifications and scores in orthopedics and trauma is intended as a practical manual to consult. This first ...

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Clinical Anatomy for Oral Implantology / Louie Al-Faraje

Designed with the practicing implantologist in mind, and it has been revitalized to have the utmost relevance to the clinical ...

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Clinician's Handbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Daniel M. Laskin, Eric R. Carlson

Provides a single place to quickly find information on a diverse range of clinical topics, including dentoalveolar surgery, ...

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Cosmetic and Reconstructive Facial Plastic Surgery : A Review of Medical and Biomedical Engineering and Science Concepts / Emre Tokgöz , Marina A. Carro

Provides an extensive overview of the most recent technological advancements in facial plastic and reconstructive surgeries ...

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Decision Making in Dental Implantology : Atlas of Surgical and Restorative Approaches / Mauro Tosta, Gastao de Moura Filho, Leandro Chambrone

offers an image-based resource to both the surgical and restorative aspects of implant therapy, presenting more than 2,000 ...

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Dental Composite Materials for Direct Restorations / Vesna Miletic

Covers both basic scientific and clinically relevant aspects of dental composite materials with a view to meeting the needs ...

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Total Books: 1 - 20 /49