Book Details


Cancer du sein avancé : 29es Journées de la Société Française de Sénologie et Pathologie Mammaire (SFSPM) Avignon, 14–16 novembre 2007 = Advanced breast cancer: 29th Days of the French Society of Senology and Breast Pathology (SFSPM) Avignon, November 14–16, 2007

Publication year: 2007

ISBN: 978-2-287-72615-6

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These days are an opportunity to remind and persuade those less convinced that the treatment of this very particular phase of the disease is not limited to a score played by a few speakers or even by medical oncologists alone; but on the contrary, we must bring into play a truly philharmonic polyphonic ensemble, united around the patient and comprising all the players in multidisciplinary care: general practitioner, surgeon, radiotherapist, imaging specialist, gynecologist, general practitioner, psychologist, algologist, supportive care workers ...

Subject: Medicine, Chirurgie des métastases, Métastases, Oncologie, Pluridisciplinarité, Stratégie thérapeutique, Thérapeutiques ciblées, cancer du sein avancé, surgical oncology, Radiaton Oncology, Diagnostic Radiology, Surgery for metastases, Metastases, Oncology, Multidisciplinarity, Therapeutic strategy, Targeted therapies, advanced breast cancer, Radiotherapy, Radiology, Pain Medicine