Electronic Books

Total Books: 61 - 80 /762
Augmented Humanity Being and Remaining Agentic in a Digitalized World

This book will examine the implications of digitalization for the understanding of humanity, conceived as a community of ...

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Authoritative Communities

Authoritative Communities: The Scientific Case for Nurturing the Whole Child introduces innovative solutions based firmly ...

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Automating Business Modelling

Enterprise Modelling (EM) methods are frequently used by entrepreneurs as an analysis tool for describing and redesigning ...

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Automotive Production Systems and Standardisation

The introduction of the Mercedes-Benz Production System (MPS) is exemplary of a trend within the automotive industry: the ...

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Autonomic Communication (vol. # 3457)

The ?rst IFIP Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC 2004) was held 2004 in Berlin, Germany. The purpose of this workshop ...

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Autonomic Communication (vol. # 3854)

The Second IFIP Workshop on Autonomic Communication (WAC 2005) took place on October 2–5, 2005, IFIP TC6 provided scientific ...

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Autonomic and Trusted Computing

To cope with the growing and ubiquitous complexity, autonomic computing (AC) focuses on se- manageable computing and communication ...

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Autonomic and Trusted Computing

To cope with the growing and ubiquitous complexity, autonomic computing (AC) focuses on se- manageable computing and communication ...

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Autonomous Systems - Self-Organization, Management, and Control : Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, October 6–7, 2008

The International Workshop on "Autonomous Systems - Self-Organization, Management, and Control " is the eighth in a successful ...

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Avatars at Work and Play

examining uses of shared virtual environments in practical settings such as scientific collaboration, distributed meetings, ...

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Becoming Virtual

This book examines the capabilities needed to transform a globally distributed organization into a virtual organization (an ...

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Becoming a World-Class University : The case of King Abdulaziz University

This book written by international experts in the field of educational innovation is a guide for universities to become world-class ...

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Behavioral Competencies of Digital Professionals : Understanding the Role of Emotional Intelligence

Shedding new light on the human side of big data through the lenses of emotional and social intelligence competencies, this ...

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Between Peace and Conflict in the East and the West Studies on Transformation and Development in the OSCE Region

This book features various studies on democratization, transformation, socio-economic development, and security issues in ...

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Big Data and Global Trade Law

Explores the relevance of global trade law for data, big data and cross-border data flows. Contributing authors from different ...

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Bioelectromagnetics Current Concepts

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on The Mechanisms of the Biological Effect on Extra High Power Pulses ...

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Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing

The IFIP series publishes state-of-the-art results in the sciences and technologies of information and communication. The ...

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Biomimetics for Architecture & Design : Nature - Analogies - Technology / Göran Pohl , Werner Nachtigall

Provides the readers with a timely guide to the application of biomimetic principles in architecture and engineering design. ...

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Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services : Implications and Applications for Finance and Accounting Professionals / Sean Stein Smith

Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to transform how the accounting and financial services ...

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Botnet Detection : Countering the Largest Security Threat

Botnet Detection: Countering the Largest Security Threat, a contributed volume by world-class leaders in this field, is based ...

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Total Books: 61 - 80 /762