Electronic Books

Total Books: 41 - 60 /101
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications

This book highlights recent research on intelligent systems and nature-inspired computing. It presents 62 selected papers ...

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Interactive drink machine company : (IDM company) / Mamdouh Kabbani ; Monzer Kidda ; Sayyah Yassen ; Sedra Jawish

This project is a continuation of our previous project for a hot drink machine by adding the capability for electronic payment ...

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International Steam Tables : Properties of Water and Steam Based on the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97

This book contains steam tables for industrial use that have been calculated using the international standard for the thermodynamic ...

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Intersections de deux quadriques et pinceaux de courbes de genre 1 = Intersections of two quadrics and pencils of curves of genus 1

This research monograph focuses on the arithmetic, over number fields, of surfaces fibred into curves of genus 1 over the ...

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Intervention, Terrorism, and Torture

Just war theory is the traditional approach taken to questions of the morality of war, but war today is far from traditional. ...

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Introduction to Programming with Fortran

Introduction to Programming with Fortran contains: lots of clear and simple examples highlighting the key language features ...

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Japan Nutrition

This auto-translation book demonstrates a time series of nutrition improvement in Japan since the introduction of nutrition ...

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Large intestine disorders نايا حجازي ؛ دونيز راجحة ؛ محمد غيث نصري ؛ إشراف د. عبد الرزاق شيخ عيسى

our project is an overview of Advanced and supplemental topics related to physiology and pathophysiology of the large intestine. ...

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Levity of Design : Cambridge Scholars Publishing / Wit Pietrzak

How can poetry embrace morality through focusing on metaphrasts? What is the relation between an allummette and the alpha ...

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Martens and Fishers (Martes) in Human-Altered Environments

Martens and Fishers (Martes) in Human-Altered Environments: An International Perspective examines the conditions where humans ...

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Migration and Pandemics : Spaces of Solidarity and Spaces of Exception

This book discusses the socio-political context of the COVID-19 crisis and questions the management of the pandemic emergency ...

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Misinterpretations about Covid-19 vaccines محمد أيهم المصري ؛ محمد غيث الحو ؛ مهند الحملي ؛ إشراف د. وفيقة زرزور

Immunization has become a vital part of public health and disease prevention, yet remain Vaccination is the most effective ...

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Modelling Land-Use Change

land-use change simulation modelling is a relatively new and dynamic field of study and this book provides a full overview ...

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Mécanique céleste et contrôle des véhicules spatiaux

The textbook contains two parts: Part 1 is an introduction to celestial mechanics, and part II is devoted to the control ...

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Mécanique céleste et contrôle des véhicules spatiaux

The textbook contains two parts: Part 1 is an introduction to celestial mechanics, and part II is devoted to the control ...

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NEURO-COVID-19 : Neuroinvasive Potential and Neurological Complications of SARS-CoV-2 يمان سكر ؛ لمى علي حسام الدين ؛ إشراف د. صياح قطان

From the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been reports of significant neurological and psychological symptoms ...

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New approach to deal with fibromyalgia / Julia Al-haddad ; Alaa Alhaj Ali ; Vlanssia Mousa ; Na'mat Snobar

You must have walked once among the colorful fields of flowers, enjoying their colors, aromas and touches, but have you ever ...

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Northern Lights on Civic and Citizenship Education A Cross-national Comparison of Nordic Data from ICCS

This book presents an in depth analysis of data from ICCS. An international group of scholars critically address the state ...

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On The Interpretation of Treaties : The Modern International Law as Expressed in the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

This book investigates the contents and structure of this system. By importing knowledge from linguistics, and pragmatics ...

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One Hundred Years of Chemical Warfare: Research, Deployment, Consequences

On April 22, 1915, the German military released 150 tons of chlorine gas at Ypres, Belgium. Carried by a long-awaited wind, ...

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Total Books: 41 - 60 /101