Electronic Books

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Crowd investment platform / Abdulkaleq Bathawy ; Rama Shikhany ; Yara Ahmed ; Yusra Almousa ; Supervised by Dr. Ubai Sendouk عبد الخالق بطحاوي ؛ راما شيخاني ؛ يارا احمد و يسرى صالح الموسى ؛ إشراف أبي صندوق

Investment platforms are challenging the grip of massive business on the venture sector and are providing new means of power ...

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Foreign Investor Misconduct in International Investment Law

examines the issue of foreign investor misconduct in modern international investment law, focusing on the approach that international ...

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Pitch Perfect: Raising Capital for Your Startup / Haje Jan Kamps

Teaches you how to tell your startup’s story. To raise venture capital, it is absolutely crucial that your foundation is ...

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