Electronic Books

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Abord Clinique en Obstétrique = Clinical approach in Obstetrics

This book aims to clarify and develop the particularities of the clinical examination in obstetrics; it deliberately excludes ...

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Anestetici locali in analgesia ostetrica : Il modello MLAC: dalla teoria alla pratica clinica = Local anesthetics in obstetric analgesia: The MLAC model: from theory to clinical practice

This monograph contains a detailed description of the MLAC method and its applications and an extensive and updated review ...

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Care in Healthcare

This book examines the concept of care and care practices in healthcare from the interdisciplinary perspectives of continental ...

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Chemotherapy and Pharmacology for Leukemia in Pregnancy

The book addresses a broad range of subjects, including: pregnancy and its characteristics; staging, pathology, morbidity ...

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Clinical Education for the Health Professions : Theory and Practice / Debra Nestel, Gabriel Reedy, Lisa McKenna, Suzanne Gough

Explores the contemporary context of health professions education, its philosophical and theoretical underpinnings, whole ...

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Medicina delletà prenatale : Prevenzione, diagnosi e terapia dei difetti congeniti e delle principali patologie gravidiche = Prenatal medicine: Prevention, diagnosis and therapy of congenital defects and the main pathologies of pregnancy

This text aims to respond to the actual need to bring together in a single and updated reference text notions and data from ...

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Neonatal Pain : Suffering, Pain and Risk of Brain Damage in the Fetus and Newborn

Until the 1980s it was denied that fetuses and neonates feel pain. With the advent of a deeper understanding of the pathophysiology ...

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome : Current Controversies, From The Ovary To The Pancreas

All four editors of this title are extremely prominent in the field of PCOS. Although they are all U.S.-based, they are internationally ...

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Womens Health in Clinical Practice : A Handbook for Primary Care

Traditionally, women’s health has been synonymous with obstetrics and gynecology. With the exception of Family Medicine ...

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