Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 20 /88
A vision-based system to early detection of drowning incidents in swimming pools / Ahmad AlKhouli ; Jan Allam ; Tuqa Alkhatib ; Abdulkarim Shahin ; Ahmad Saada

Being one of the leading causes of death; drowning has become a severe problem in the past few years. Our goal from this ...

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AI 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 33rd Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2020, held ...

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AI and UX

Great effort has been put forth to continuously make AI “smarter.” But, will smarter always equal more successful AI? ...

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AI sign language translator سيد حسن أكبر موسوي ؛ عمر عامر حايك الأصفر ؛ كنعان الاحمد ؛ طارق هيكل ؛ إشراف د. أنس دهبية

People with disabilities are facing a lot of difficulties every day. Whether it is in social life, work or education environment, ...

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AI-Enabled Threat Detection and Security Analysis for Industrial IoT / Hadis Karimipour, Farnaz Derakhshan

Provides the state-of-the-art development on security and privacy for cyber-physical systems (CPS) and industrial Internet ...

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Adaptive Autonomous Secure Cyber Systems

This book establishes scientific foundations for adaptive autonomous cyber systems and ultimately brings about a more secure ...

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Advance Concepts of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition : Effective Solution for Global Challenges / Narendra Kumar, Celia Shahnaz, Krishna Kumar, Mazin Abed Mohammed, Ram Shringar Raw

Explains the important concepts and principles of image processing to implement the algorithms and techniques to discover ...

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Advanced Decision Sciences Based on Deep Learning and Ensemble Learning Algorithms: A Practical Approach Using Python / Surekha Paneerselvam

Describes the deep learning models and ensemble approaches applied to decision-making problems. The authors have addressed ...

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Advancement of Deep Learning and its Applications in Object Detection and Recognition / Roohie Naaz Mir, Vipul Kumar Sharma, Ranjeet Kumar Rout, Saiyed Umer

In just the past five years, deep learning has taken the world by surprise, driving rapid progress in fields as diverse as ...

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An Intuitive Exploration of Artificial Intelligence

This book develops a conceptual understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning and Machine Learning in the ...

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Anomaly Detection: Techniques and Applications / Saira Banu

When information in the data warehouse is processed, it follows a definite pattern. An unexpected deviation in the data pattern ...

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Arabic talking heads / Luna Marzouk ; Rasha Albizreh ; Rouaa Alaraj ; Rahmeh Abou Zafra ; Lana Ahmad Abdullah

The need for someone to talk to about what is going on inside us while ensuring privacy has become a necessary requirement, ...

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Artificial Intelligence : Applications and Innovations / Rashmi Priyadarshini, R M Mehra, Amit Sehgal, Prabhu Jyot Singh

It's about the science of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is the study of the design of intelligent computational agents. ...

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Artificial Intelligence Hardware Design : Challenges and Solutions / Albert Chun-Chen Liu, Oscar Ming Kin Law

Learn foundational and advanced topics in Neural Processing Unit design with real-world examples from leading voices in the ...

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Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Satellite Image Analysis

The main objective of this book is to provide a common platform for diverse concepts in satellite image processing. In particular ...

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Artificial Intelligence and National Security / Reza Montasari; Annie Benzie; Océane Dieu; Vinden Wylde; Edmond Prakash; Chaminda Hewage; Jon Platts; Kate Gunton; Megan Thomas-Evans; Sarah Klingberg; Jim Seaman; Ellie Moggridge; Shasha Yu; Fiona Carroll; Megan Wilmot McIntyre; Sandra Smart-Akande; Joel Pinney; Imtiaz Khan; Thanuja Mallikarachchi

Analyses the implications of the technical, legal, ethical and privacy challenges as well as challenges for human rights ...

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Artificial Intelligence and Security

This two-volume set LNCS 12239-12240 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial ...

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Artificial Intelligence and Security

This two-volume set LNCS 12239-12240 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial ...

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Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry / Kaan Orhan, Rohan Jagtap

Focuses on various aspects of artificial intelligence in dentistry, assisting dentists, specialists, and scientists in advancing ...

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Artificial Intelligence with Python / Teik Toe Teoh, Zheng Rong

Introduces readers to various topics and examples of programming in Python, as well as key concepts in artificial intelligence. ...

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Total Books: 1 - 20 /88