Publication year: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-75861-7
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There has been very rapid development in computing in recent years and this is now a general trend in the field of orthopedics. Orthopedic trauma is no exception, as there is much enthusiasm surrounding the use of surgical navigation in musculoskeletal trauma. In light of these developments, the successful first edition of this book has been revised and updated. A lot of new information has been added to the original chapter on CAOS (computer-aided orthopedic surgery). Also, as the WHO has published new guidelines on osteoporosis management, together with the many conceptual changes in this area, adding a chapter on osteoporosis is both timely and appropriate. A chapter on hip fracture rehabilitation has also become necessary, not only because it echoes the teachings of the chapter on osteoporosis, but also because of the projected exponential increase in the occurrence of this fracture by the year 2050.
Subject: Medicine, Fractures, Orthopedic surgery, Principles, Rehabilitation, Trauma, Trauma emergency, Traumatology, Surgical Orthopedics, Orthopedics Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing