Electronic Books

Total Books: 121 - 140 /192
Premiers pas en simulation = First steps in simulation

Why simulation techniques? Simulation methods, designed for use in statistics and operations research, have experienced and ...

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Premiers pas en statistique

This book introduces the fundamental concepts of statistical theory and describes the methods most often used in practice. ...

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Premiers pas en statistique

This book introduces the fundamental concepts of statistical theory and describes the methods most often used in practice. ...

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Principles of Managerial Statistics and Data Science / Roberto Rivera

Through a statistical perspective, this book introduces readers to the topic of data science, including Big Data, data analytics, ...

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Probabilistic Methods in Geotechnical Engineering

Soils and rocks are among the most variable of all engineering materials, and as such are highly amenable to a probabilistic ...

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Probabilistic Symmetries and Invariance Principles

This is the first comprehensive treatment of the three basic symmetries of probability theory—contractability, exchangeability, ...

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Probability Distributions Involving Gaussian Random Variables

This handbook, now available in paperback, brings together a comprehensive collection of mathematical material in one location. ...

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Probability Theory : A Comprehensive Course

Probabilistic concepts play an increasingly important role in mathematics, physics, biology, financial engineering and computer ...

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Probability Theory with Applications

This edition contains a detailed treatment of the core area of probability, and both structural and limit results are presented ...

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Probability Theory with Applications

This edition contains a detailed treatment of the core area of probability, and both structural and limit results are presented ...

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Probability in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science An Application-Driven Course

This revised textbook motivates and illustrates the techniques of applied probability by applications in electrical engineering ...

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Probability, statistics, and random processes for electrical engineering / Alberto Leon-Garcia

Description While helping students to develop their problem-solving skills, the author motivates students with practical ...

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Probability: A Graduate Course

This textbook on the theory of probability is aimed at graduate students, with the ideology that rather than being a purely ...

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Probabilità Statistica e Simulazione

Il volume contiene in forma compatta il programma svolto negli insegnamenti introduttivi di statistica e tratta alcuni argomenti ...

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Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Statistics

Based on lectures given by the author, this book focuses on providing reliable introductory explanations of key concepts ...

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Quantum Probability and Spectral Analysis of Graphs

This is the first book to comprehensively cover the quantum probabilistic approach to spectral analysis of graphs. The book ...

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Queuing Theory and Telecommunications

Queuing Theory and Telecommunications : Networks and Applications provides some fundamental knowledge in queuing theory, ...

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Quo Vadis Quantum Mechanics?

For more than a century, quantum mechanics has served as a very powerful theory that has expanded physics and technology far ...

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Random Fields and Geometry

This monograph is devoted to a completely new approach to geometric problems arising in the study of random fields. The groundbreaking ...

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Reading Bohr: Physics and Philosophy

Reading Bohr: Physics and Philosophy offers a new perspective on Niels Bohr's interpretation of quantum mechanics as complementarity, ...

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Total Books: 121 - 140 /192