Electronic Books

Total Books: 121 - 140 /512
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software - 2nd ed. / Charles Petzold

The classic guide to how computers work, updated with new chapters and interactive graphics Computers are everywhere --- ...

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Codes: An Introduction to Information Communication and Cryptography

Information is an important feature of the modern world. Mathematical techniques underlie the devices that we use to handle ...

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Coding Theory and Applications : Second International Castle Meeting, ICMCTA 2008, Castillo de la Mota, Medina del Campo, Spain, September 15-19, 2008. Proceedings

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 2nd International Castle Meeting, ISMCTA 2008. The papers cover network ...

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Cold War Civil Defence in Western Europe Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Survival and Preparedness

This edited collection brings together established and new perspectives on Cold War civil defence in Western Europe within ...

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Combinatorial Algebraic Topology

Combinatorial algebraic topology is a fascinating and dynamic field at the crossroads of algebraic topology and discrete ...

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Combinatorial Geometry and Graph Theory

This volume consists of the refereed papers presented at the Indonesia-JapanJoint Conference on Combinatorial Geometry and ...

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Combinatorial Image Analysis

This volume presents the proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis,held 2004, in Auckland, ...

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Combinatorial Image Analysis (vol. # 4040)

This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA ...

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Combinatorial Optimization

This comprehensive textbook on combinatorial optimization puts special emphasis on theoretical results and algorithms with ...

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Combinatorial Optimization : Theory and Algorithms

This comprehensive textbook on combinatorial optimization places special emphasis on theoretical results and algorithms with ...

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Combinatorial Optimization and Applications

This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, ...

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Combinatorial Optimization and Applications

This book presented feature original research in the areas of combinatorial optimization - both theoretical issues and and ...

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Combinatorial Optimization and Applications

This book presented feature original research in the areas of combinatorial optimization - both theoretical issues and and ...

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Combinatorial Optimization and Applications : Second International Conference, COCOA 2008, St. John’s, NL, Canada, August 21-24, 2008. Proceedings

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, ...

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Combinatorial Optimization in Communication Networks

Combinatorial optimization algorithms are used in many applications including the design, management, and operations of communication ...

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Combinatorial Pattern Matching

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, CPM 2001, ...

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Combinatorial Pattern Matching

This book presented original research contri- tions on computational pattern matching and analysis, data compression and ...

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Combinatorial Pattern Matching

This book presented original research contri- tions on computational pattern matching and analysis, data compression and ...

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Combinatorial Pattern Matching (vol. # 4009)

The book presents 33 revised full papers together with 3 invited talks, organized in topical sections on data structures, ...

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Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking

It contiants developments on all aspects of networking could be presented. It covered were diverse, with talks on strategies ...

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Total Books: 121 - 140 /512