Electronic Books

Total Books: 81 - 100 /436
Building Systems for Interior Designers, 3rd Edition / Corky Binggeli

The ultimate interior designer's guide to building systems and safety Building Systems for Interior Designers, Third Edition ...

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Building Systems in Interior Design / Sam Hurt

takes an entirely new approach to teaching this essential topic for Architects, Designers and Building Engineers. Written ...

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Building Theories : Architecture as the Art of Building / Franca Trubiano

Discusses the content of treatises, essays, articles, and letters by those who have been, throughout history, committed to ...

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Building codes illustrated : the basics / Francis D. K. Ching, Steven R. Winkel

Delivers a concise visual introduction to the 2021 International Building Code (IBC) distilled from the industry bestseller ...

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Building from Tradition: Local Materials and Methods in Contemporary Architecture / Elizabeth Golden

Examines the recent resurgence of interest in the handmade building and the use of local and renewable materials in contemporary ...

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Building from waste : recovered materials in architecture and construction / Dirk E. Hebel, Felix Heisel, Marta H. Wisniewska

"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover" is the sustainable guideline that has replaced the "Take, Make, Waste" attitude ...

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Building to Suit the Climate: A Handbook / Petra Liedl, Gerhard Hausladen, Michael Saldanha

Serves as a concrete aid to planning and design. With the planning process as its roadmap, it accompanies the planner from ...

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Building with Infra-lightweight Concrete: Design, Planning, Construction / Claudia Lösch, Philip Rieseberg, Mike Schlaich

Infra-lightweight concrete combines the structural and thermal insulation functions of the building envelope in one monolithic ...

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Building with Paper: Architecture and Construction / Ulrich Knaack, Rebecca Bach, Samuel Schabel (Editors)

Paper and cardboard as sustainable building materials are currently the subject of research and testing in building practice. ...

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Building with Water: Concepts Typology Design / Zoe Ryan, Chris Zevendingen, Dieter Grau, Zeljka Carol Kekez

It presents buildings that explicitly refer to water in their design and form. It establishes a typology of building by the ...

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Buildings : Theory and Applications

This book treats Jacques Tits's beautiful theory of buildings, making that theory accessible to readers with minimal background. ...

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Buildings for Education A Multidisciplinary Overview of The Design of School Buildings

This book presents theoretical and practical research relating to the vast, publicly financed program for the construction ...

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Calculations note عبد الله الجندي ؛ نور العورتاني ؛ إشراف د. م. ربيع الصفدي

The Project is a Residential Tower in Damascus. It consisting of a shelter, parking and eleven stories and each story consists ...

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Capacity Building and Training for Female Social workers at NGOs in Syria: The Case of Child Rights Association دلال غسان ارناؤط ؛ سهام محمد حسني العلبي ؛ غنوه اوطه باشي ؛ إشراف د. سيرين دالاتي

The purpose of this dissertation is to build the capacity of female volunteer supervisors and staff to have a positive impact ...

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Case Studies in Building Rehabilitation / J.M.P.Q. Delgado

Presents recent research and practical insights relating to building pathology. As such it contributes toward the systematization ...

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Children and Peace From Research to Action

This book's multi-layered emphasis on context, structural determinants of peace and conflict, and use of research for action ...

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Chudley and Greeno's Building Construction Handbook / Roy Chudley, Roger Greeno, Karl Kovac

The principles and processes of construction are explained with the concepts of design included where appropriate. Extensive ...

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Chudley and Greeno's Building Construction Handbook / Roy Chudley, Roger Greeno, Karl Kovac

The authoritative reference for all construction students and professionals. The principles and processes of construction ...

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Civil Engineering Materials : From Theory to Practice ; 1st Edition / Qiang Yuan; Zanqun Liu; Keren Zheng; Cong Ma

Presents the state-of-the-art in civil engineering materials, including the fundamental theory of materials needed for civil ...

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Civil Engineering Materials for Transportation Infrastructure / Qiao Dong, Xueqin Chen, Yin Gao

Includes the fundamental mechanical and physical properties of materials; properties, tests, and gradation designs of aggregates; ...

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Total Books: 81 - 100 /436