Electronic Books

Total Books: 21 - 40 /60
From Fossils to Astrobiology : Records of Life on Earth and Search for Extraterrestrial Biosignatures

From Fossils to Astrobiology reviews developments in paleontology and geobiology that relate to the rapidly-developing field ...

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Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering

While continuing the tradition of expansive coverage, Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering, Third Edition, has been fully ...

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Genetics and Regulation of Nitrogen Fixation in Free-Living Bacteria

This book is the second volume of a seven-volume series, which covers all fields of research related to nitrogen fixation ...

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Genome Integrity

The volume begins with DNA replication and continues with replicative DNA repair and pleiotropic protein interactions. Examples ...

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Innate Immunity of Plants, Animals, and Humans

This book wants to give an overview of our current knowledge about the innate immune system of plants, animals and humans. ...

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Intestinal Microorganisms of Termites and Other Invertebrates

Soil microorganisms play a major role in the degradation and recycling of organic material. Microbes are involved in the ...

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Iron Nutrition in Plants and Rhizospheric Microorganisms

This book uses an interdisciplinary approach to provide a comprehensive review on the status of iron nutrition in plants. ...

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Manual for Soil Analysis - Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediation

Reliable methods for monitoring and assessing soil quality are a prerequisite for successful soil bioremediation projects. ...

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Marine Biotechnology I

Oceans, which occupy up to two thirds of the surface of our planet, were not really approached from scientific point of view ...

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Meat Biotechnology

The main goal of this book is to provide the reader with the recent developments in biotechnology and their applications ...

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Metabolism is the sum of the chemical reactions in cells that produce life-sustaining chemical energy and metabolites. In ...

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Methods in Gut Microbial Ecology for Ruminants

Asaresultofvarioushumanactivities,suchasincreaseinhumanpopulation,decrease in arable land due to soil degradation, urbanization, ...

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Microbial Activity in the Rhizosphere

The rhizosphere is a very complex environment in which the effects of the plant on soil microorganisms and the effects of ...

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Microbial Phosphate Solubilization

Last decade has seen a significantly increased knowledge about phosphate solubilizing microorganisms. Sixty specialists from ...

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Microbial Processing of Metal Sulfides

The application of microbiological methods to the extraction of metals from minerals has definitely gained a prominent role ...

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Microbial Root Endophytes

Plant roots may not only be colonized by mycorrhizal fungi, but also by a myriad of bacterial and fungal root endophytes ...

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Microbial Siderophores

"Microbial Siderophores" presents an up-to-date overview of the chemistry, biology and biotechnology of these iron chelators. ...

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Microbial Sulfur Metabolism

In nature, sulfur occurs in many different oxidation states and is one of the most versatile elements in life. It is an integral ...

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Microorganisms and Bioterrorism

The purpose of this book is to bring together, in a single volume, the most up-to-date information concerning microbes with ...

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Microorganisms in Foods 6

The second edition of Microorganisms in Foods 6: Microbial Ecology of Food Commodities is intended for those primarily ...

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Total Books: 21 - 40 /60