Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 20 /42
A Platform-Centric Approach to System-on-Chip (SOC) Design

The book proposes a new methodology for realizing platform-centric design of complex systems, and presents a detailed plan ...

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Advances in Design

Advances in Design examines recent advances and innovations in product design paradigms, methods, tools and applications. ...

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An Illustrated Guide to Furniture History / Joclyn M. Oats

Provides upper-level students and instructors with an alternative visual analytical approach to learning about furniture ...

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Bauhaus Effects in Art, Architecture, and Design / Kathleen James-Chakraborty, Sabine T. Kriebel

Bringing together an international team of scholars, this book offers new perspectives on the impact that the Bauhaus and ...

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Bourses fédérales de design Eidgenössische Förderpreise für Design Swiss Federal Design Grants 2007 = Bourses fédérales de design Swiss Federal Design Grants 2007

On the occasion of the annual Swiss Federal Design Competition, the Federal Office of Culture is realizing a publication ...

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Case Based Design : Applications in Process Engineering

The book by Professors is an impressive and in-depth treatment of the essence of the case–based reasoning strategy and ...

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Channel Strategies and Marketing Mix in a Connected World / Saibal Ray, Shuya Yin

Aims to revisit the “traditional” interaction between channel strategies and the marketing mix in a connected world. ...

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Coding, shaping, making : experiments in form and form-making / Haresh Lalvani

Combines inspiration from architecture, mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics and computation to look towards the future ...

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Collaborative Engineering : Theory and Practice

Collaborative Engineering: Theory and Practice offers insights into the methods and techniques involved in implementing a ...

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Collaborative Product Design and Manufacturing Methodologies and Applications

Collaborative Product Design and Manufacturing Methodologies and Applications is an introduction to a wide spectrum of collaborative ...

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Computer-based Design and Manufacturing

This book offers a comprehensive overview of the latest methods and state-of-the-art technologies in intelligent product ...

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Consumer Packaging Strategy : Localisation in Asian Markets / Huda Khan, Richard Lee, Polymeros Chrysochou

Illustrates how packaging as a marketing tool is more than simply changing the label or translating the brand into vernacular ...

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Cosmetic creams development and formulation of effective skin care products / Wilfried Rahse

A guide to cosmetic creams that focuses on formulation, production, and safety concerns. It puts the focus on the structure ...

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Cost-Efficient Design

This is the first English edition of an established work on cost-driven product design and development. It offers tried and ...

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Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment

Manufacturing is the backbone of any industrialized nation. Recent worldwide advances in manufacturing technologies have ...

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Design Computing and Cognition 06

This is the second volume of the new conference series Design Computing and Cognition (DCC) that takes over from and subsumes ...

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Design for Environmental Sustainability

Design for Environmental Sustainability is a technical and operative contribution to the United Nations "Decade on Education ...

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Design for Personalisation / Iryna Kuksa, Tom Fisher

Presents taxonomy of personalisation, and its potential consequences for the design profession as well as its ethical and ...

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Designerly Ways of Knowing

The concept of ‘designerly ways of knowing’ emerged in the late 1970s in association with the development of new approaches ...

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Environmentally-Friendly Product Development

Presents a survey of eco-friendly product design. This work is aimed at researchers and academics in design engineering and ...

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Total Books: 1 - 20 /42