Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 20 /71
A Visual Atlas for Soil Micromorphologists

This atlas is an up-to-date visual resource on the features and structures observed in soil thin sections, i.e. soil micromorphology.

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Air, Water and Soil Quality Modelling for Risk and Impact Assessment

This book is the result of the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Air, Water and Soil Quality Modelling ...

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Antarctic Ecosystems

This volume provides an overview of climate change data, its effects on the structure and functioning of Antarctic ecosystems, ...

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Sixty articles arranged in eight thematic sections refer to most recent geological and geophysical results of Antarctic research. ...

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Assessing Recent Soil Erosion Rates through the Use of Beryllium-7 (Be-7)

This book is the first comprehensive guideline for the beryllium-7 (Be-7) technique that can be applied to evaluate short-term ...

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Biological Processes Associated with Impact Events

The biological effects of asteroid and comet impacts have been widely viewed as primarily destructive. The role of an impactor ...

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Bridging Divides

Maritime canals dissolve natural barriers to the dispersal of marine organisms, thus providing novel opportunities for natural ...

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Carbon in the Geobiosphere

Carbon and carbon dioxide always played an important role in the geobiosphere that is part of the Earth’s outer shell and ...

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Here is a comprehensive and up to-do-date presentation of the origins, and properties of clay minerals at the Earths surface. ...

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Climate Change - Environment and History of the Near East

When the ?rst edition of this book was published in 2004, the following year 2005 has happened to have been the warmest year ...

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Coal Combustion Byproducts and Environmental Issues

Coal Combustion Byproducts and Environmental Issues addresses the major implications and critical issues surrounding coal ...

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Contaminant Geochemistry : Interactions and Transport in the Subsurface Environment

This book combines earth science, subsurface hydrology and environmental geochemistry, providing a comprehensive background ...

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Contaminated Rivers

The geomorphological, surficial and geochemical processes and conditions of rivers require a tailored set of strategies and ...

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Contaminated Soils, Sediments and Water Volume 10

Contaminated Soils, Sediments and Water: Successes and Challenges, Volume 10 contains a valuable collection of success stories ...

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Current Developments in Bioerosion

The book opens with papers on the evolutionary significance of bioerosion, and subsequently ventures out to explore the remarkable ...

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Desert Dust in the Global System

Dust storms, produced by the removal of surface materials from the world’s drylands, are a vital component of the environment. ...

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Dynamics of Complex Intracontinental Basins : The Central European Basin System

This book documents how researchers from different geo-scientific disciplines have jointly analysed the structural, thermal, ...

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Eco-and Ground Bio-Engineering: The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability

In an era where climate change, natural catastrophes and land degradation are major issues, the conservation of soil and ...

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Ecological Effects of Water-Level Fluctuations in Lakes

It presents selected papers on the ecological effects of WLF in lakes, resulting from a workshop at the University of Konstanz ...

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Ecology of Riparian Forests in Japan : Disturbance, Life History, and Regeneration

It presents the dynamics and mechanisms that govern the coexistence of riparian tree species, tree demography, the response ...

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Total Books: 1 - 20 /71