Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 4 /4
Biostatistica in Radiologia : Progettare, realizzare e scrivere un lavoro scientifico radiologico = Biostatistics in Radiology: Designing, creating and writing a radiological scientific work

The progressive affirmation of evidence-based medicine requires radiology to make a qualitative leap: from demonstrating ...

Lee mas
Diagnostica per immagini dellapparato urogenitale = Imaging of the urogenital system

The work is divided into nine parts and deals with normal macroscopic and radiological anatomy in the first six chapters, ...

Lee mas
Imaging nelle urgenze vascolari - Body : Casi clinici = Vascular Emergency Imaging - Body: Clinical Cases

Vascular urgency is true urgency. Given the variability of clinical presentations, the radiologist is increasingly called ...

Lee mas
La TC multidetettore nella diagnostica cardiovascolare

Con il patrocinio della Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica e il supporto di GE Healthcare, Springer-Verlag Italia presenta ...

Lee mas
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