Electronic Books

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Dependence in Probability and Statistics

This book gives a detailed account of some recent developments in the field of probability and statistics for dependent data. ...

Lee mas
Dependence in Probability and Statistics

This book gives a detailed account of some recent developments in the field of probability and statistics for dependent data. ...

Lee mas
Fundamentals of Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Fundamentals of Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning is designed for a one or two-semester introductory course in Pattern ...

Lee mas
Random Fields and Geometry

This monograph is devoted to a completely new approach to geometric problems arising in the study of random fields. The groundbreaking ...

Lee mas
Stochastic Simulation

Sampling-based computational methods have become a fundamental part of the numerical toolset of practitioners and researchers ...

Lee mas
Séminaire de Probabilités XXXVIII

Besides a series of six articles on Lévy processes, Volume 38 of the Séminaire de Probabilités contains contributions ...

Lee mas
The Generic Chaining

What is the maximum level a certain river is likely to reach over the next 25 years? (Having experienced three times a few ...

Lee mas
The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics

In Chapter 1, the derivative and divergence operators are introduced in the framework of an isonormal Gaussian process associated ...

Lee mas
The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics

In Chapter 1, the derivative and divergence operators are introduced in the framework of an isonormal Gaussian process associated ...

Lee mas
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