Electronic Books

Total Books: 1 - 4 /4
Bioactive Materials in Dentistry: Remineralization and Biomineralization / Francine Benetti

Addresses the use of different bioactive materials in dentistry, considering the performance of these biomaterials in the ...

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Bulk Fill Resin Composites in Dentistry: A Clinical Guide / Joseph Sabbagh, Robert McConnell

Dedicated to all relevant aspects of bulk fill materials and their uses in clinical practice. Today, we count over 30 different ...

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Journal of prosthodontics on complex restorations / Baba, Nadim Z.; Guichet, David L

Presents a curated list of the best peer-reviewed articles on complex restorations from the pages of Journal of Prosthodontics. ...

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Non-metallic biomaterials for tooth repair and replacement / Pekka Vallitu

Focuses on the use of biomaterials for a range of applications in tooth repair and, in particular, dental restoration. Part ...

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Total Books: 1 - 4 /4