Electronic Books

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Atopic eczema = الأكزيما التأتبية / سيدرا نقاوة ؛ لانا حلوم ؛ تالا عزو ؛ جودي عريف ؛ إشراف د. بيسان أحمد ؛ ابراهيم الغريبي

Atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, is a common chronic, relapsing skin disease characterized by pruritus, disrupted ...

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Children's diabetes رنا أحمد ؛ خولة أبو فخر ؛ إشراف د. بيسان أحمد

Diabetes in infants, toddlers, older children, and adolescents poses serious physical, mental, and emotional challenges. ...

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Clinical Cases in Periodontics / Nadeem Karimbux

Describes the core principles of periodontics and demonstrates their practical, every-day application through a range of ...

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Clinical Cases in Restorative and Reconstructive Dentistry / Gregory J. Tarantola

Describes the principles and demonstrates their practical, every-day application through a range of representative cases ...

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Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees

From an evolutionary perspective, understanding chimpanzees offers a way of understanding the basis of human nature. This ...

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Early Nutrition and its Later Consequences: New Opportunities

Health problems such as hypertension, tendency to diabetes, obesity, blood lipids, vascular disease, bone health, behaviour ...

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Endoscopic Surgery in Infants and Children

This book represents the state of the art of endoscopic surgical techniques, which are thoroughly described and well illustrated ...

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Enduring Bonds : The Significance of Interpersonal Relationships in Young Children’s Lives

This, the first volume in a series of edited books designed to synthesize research, theory, and practice, will focus on key ...

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Fetus abnormalities relating drug / Diala Kattan ; Loujain Alashi ; Roudin Mattini

Drugs use in pregnancy remains a major public health problem. Fetal teratogenicity results from the effect of these substances ...

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Food Emulsifiers and Their Applications

Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition of Food Emulsifiers and their Applications integrates theoretical background ...

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Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy

This book discusses relevant topics in the scientific community such as determining to what extent prenatal and perinatal ...

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Handbook of Population

The Handbook of Population is organized for classroom as well as reference use. It is divided into four sections – Population ...

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Interventions for Persisting Ductus Arteriosus in the Preterm Infant

Over the past few years a remarkably rapid evolution in the professional level of neonatology and in the survival of immature ...

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Jaundice / Batool Khaddour ; Mohammad Amer Mohammadah ; Samwah Alsaleh

• Physiologic Anatomy Liver • HEMOGLOBIN FORMATION • Formation and Fate of Urobilinogen • Jaundice—Excess Bilirubin ...

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Le forme spastiche della paralisi cerebrale infantile

Il libro, frutto delle riflessioni sulla paralisi cerebrale infantile (PCI) che gli autori ed i loro collaboratori, medici ...

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Malaria disease and modern treatments ليلاس كيلاني ؛ يمان الحسن ؛ غيث الحكيم ؛ إشراف د. طاهر اسماعيل

Some population groups are at considerably higher risk of contracting malaria and developing severe disease: infants, children ...

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McDonald and Avery's Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent / Jeffrey A. Dean

Provides the latest diagnostic and treatment recommendations for infants, children, and adolescents. It covers topics ranging ...

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Neonatal Immunity

New advances in cellular immunology, molecular biology, recombinant DNA and proteins, and the function of cytokines and chemokines ...

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Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries

Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries, Second Edition was written with the underlying conviction that global health ...

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Olfactory knows the truth / Fadi Karam ; Lana Abboud ; Bashar Kahla ; Ghaith Kattaa

Olfaction, the sense of smell detects and discriminate odors as well as social cues which influence our innate responses. ...

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Total Books: 1 - 20 /35