Publication year: 2007
ISBN: 978-3-540-36920-2
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This new volume on Biological Invasions deals with both plants and animals. It differs from previous books on the subject by extending from the level of individual species to an ecosystem and global level. Topics of highest societal relevance, such as the impact of genetically modified organisms, are interlinked with more conventional ecological aspects, including biodiversity. The combination of these approaches is new and makes compelling reading for researchers and environmentalists. The book’s 22 chapters cover a huge range of subjects relevant to the field. These include pathways of biological invasions (e.g. ballast water, waterways), traits of successful invaders (e.g. chemical weapons, empty niches), and patterns of invasion and invasibility, such as man-induced predisposition by fire, land use and eutrophication, and the role of climate change.
Subject: Biomedical and Life Sciences, Climate Change, Invasionsbiologie, Umweltmanagement, Welthandel, biodiversity, ecology, economy, ecosystem, environment, environmental management, global trade, invasion biology, nitrogen, Ökologie, Ökonomie