Publication year: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-4020-2694-2
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As urban areas keep growing, water infrastructure ages, and the requirements on environmental protection become more rigorous, there is a continual need for upgrading water pollution control facilities and restoring degraded urban waters. Such issues are addressed in this book by focusing on five major topics: (a) Upgrading stormwater management facilities, (b) Retrofitting / upgrading combined sewer overflow (CSO) facilities, (c) Optimising/upgrading sewage treatment plant performance, (d) Urban stream restoration, and (e) Challenges in restoring urban environment. Each chapter contains some overview papers followed by research or case study papers. Besides presentations of new approaches and accomplishments in the field of upgrading and restoration, several papers provide analysis of vast needs in this field in several countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which either recently joined the European Union (EU) or are preparing for accession, and need to comply with the existing EU directives dealing with environmental protection. As such, this book will be of primary interest to researchers and university lecturers dealing with environmental upgrading and restoration, environmental planners from all levels of government, municipal engineers and politicians, and finally the private industry representatives (consultants, private utilities and environmental technology suppliers) searching for new business opportunities among the new or aspiring members of EU.
Subject: Earth and Environmental Science, Environmental management, Environmental sciences, Geological modeling, Hydraulic engineering, Nature conservation, Water, Pollution, Environment, Environmental Computing, Environmental Modelling, Environmental Management, Monitoring, Environmental Analysis, Environmental Ecotoxicology, Structural Foundations, Hydraulic Engineering, Waste Water Technology, Water Pollution Control, Water Management, Aquatic Pollution