Book Details

Applied Head and Neck Anatomy for the Facial Cosmetic Surgeon / Elie M. Ferneini, Michael T. Goupil, Margaret A. McNulty, Christine E. Niekrash

Publication year: 2021

ISBN: 978-3-030-57931-9

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This multi-authored, multi-institutional, and multi-specialty based text is designed to inform and refresh practitioners who perform facial cosmetic surgery. Divided into three distinct sections for ease of use, the first section focuses exclusively on localized anesthesia for each region of the head and neck. The second section covers the regional anatomy of the face by offering high definition photos of cadaver dissections and anatomic illustrations to highlight pertinent muscle and bone structures. The third and final section combines the skills detailed in the first two sections and applies them to a variety of surgical, cosmetic procedures.

Subject: Surgery, Orthopedics, Facial surgery, Cosmetic surgery, Head and neck anatomy, Local anesthesia for cosmetic procedures, Regional anatomy, Surgical anatomy, Neuromodulators, Perioral anatomy, Paranasal anatomy, Plastic Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery