Publication year: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4020-8786-8
Internet Resource: Please Login to download book
This book exclusively focuses on the technologies that would be in the forefront in near to far future. Each and every article in the book discusses the current environmental challenges, the novel innovation and future directions. The topics covered in the book include microbial fuel cells, hybrid solar lighting, bacterial swimming for environmental remediation, cleaner engines, nanoparticles for effluent treatment, surface catalysis and proteins as gas hydrates inhibitors.
Subject: Earth and Environmental Science / Environmental sciences / Environmental technologies / Pollution reduction / Sustainable development / bacteria / biomass / environment / water quality and water pollution / air pollution and air quality / Pollution, general / Industrial Organization / Environment, general / Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution / Atmospheric Protection / Air Quality Control / Waste Management / Waste Technology