Publication year: 2008
ISBN: 978-3-540-49909-1
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is book provides a comprehensive review of available techniques for the remote sensing of aerosols. Although mostly satellite remote sensing is considered, ground-based techniques are also discussed.describes techniques for the determination of the column concentration of aerosol particles and their optical sizing using spaceborne optical instrumentation. The majority of the techniques described in this book use a so-called "library method". This method relies upon the precalculated top-of-atmosphere reflectances (TOAR) for vaious atmospheric aerosol types. The comparison of measured and calculated TOARS allows one to characterize the optically-equivalent aerosol state.
Subject: Earth and Environmental Science / Geophysics and Environmental Physics / Applied and Technical Physics / Optics, Lasers, Photonics, Optical Devices / Atmospheric Protection / Air Quality Control/Air Pollution / Effects of Radiation / Radiation Protection / ASTER / Absorption / Aerosol optics / Atmospheric physics / Ocean optics / Optical engineering / Scattering / atmosphere / spheric / air quality