Book Details


Publication year: 2008

ISBN: 978-3-540-68734-4

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With this collection of short review papers we would like to present a broad overview of research on poly?uorenes and related heteroanalogues over the last two decades. The collection begins with papers on the synthesis of po- ?uorenesandrelatedpolyheteroarenes, thenreportsphotophysicalproperties of this class of conjugated polymers both at the ensemble and the single chain level, continues with a discussion of the rich solid state structures of poly?uorenes, and ?nally switches to device applications (e.g. in OLEDs). In addition, two chapters are devoted to de?ned oligo?uorenesas lowmolecular weight model systems forpoly?uorenes and also to degradation studies.

Subject: Chemistry and Materials Science, Photonics, Polyfluorenes, Polymer, Polymers, Soft Matter, electronics, morphology, spectroscopy