Electronic Books

Total Books: 101 - 107 /107
Urologic Robotic Surgery

Laparoscopy has allowed surgeons to perform major surgical procedures through small incisions. The introduction of laparoscopy ...

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Urological Emergencies in Clinical Practice

A user-friendly pocketbook, this is easy to refer to in an emergency situation. Each chapter is clearly marked, separated ...

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Urological Oncology

Urological Oncology provides a comprehensive overview of the multi-disciplinary management of adult genito-urinary (GU) cancers. ...

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Vertigo and Dizziness

This short and concise, clinically-oriented book is for physicians of different specializations who treat patients with vertigo ...

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War related neuropsychological disease : Epilepsy / Sara Al-awar ; Raghad Haider ; Mayas Haider

Among the consequences of war, the impact on the mental health of the civilian population is one of the most significant. ...

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Weißbuch Multiple Sklerose : Versorgungssituation in Deutschland = Multiple sclerosis white paper: supply situation in Germany

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common inflammatory degenerative disease of the central nervous system in young adults. ...

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Évaluation des troubles neuropsychologiques en vie quotidienne

Neurological diseases such as stroke, head trauma, Alzheimer's disease pose a public health problem. They affect all ages, ...

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Total Books: 101 - 107 /107