Electronic Books

Total Books: 421 - 436 /436
Vienna - A Doctor´s Guide : 15 walking tours through Vienna’s medical history

This book describes a total of 15 walking tours through old medical Vienna. Naturally, these tours are concentrated on the ...

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Vulnerable Cities: Realities, Innovations and Strategies

This book combines empirical and comparative analysis of improvement of vulnerable urban space and post-disaster rehabilitation ...

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Waste Materials in Advanced Sustainable Concrete : Reuse, Recovery and Recycle / Md Rezaur Rahman, Chin Mei Yun, Muhammad Khusairy Bin Bakri

Presents solutions for optimizing sustainable concrete fabrication techniques. It shows how to reinforce sustainable concrete ...

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Wind Effects on Buildings and Design of Wind-Sensitive Structures

The articles in this book, written by seven internationally known experts, present the fundamentals and practical applications ...

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Wonder Wood : A Favorite Material for Design, Architecture and Art / Barbara Glasner, Stephan Ott

Presents this timeless material as it is being used today and how it can be used in the future. It also documents a selection ...

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Wood and wood joints building traditions in Europe, Japan and China / Klaus Zwerger, Valerio Olgiati

Wood and Wood Joints puts today s world in touch with the diverse know-how of Western and Eastern cultures about the creative ...

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Worldmodelling: Architectural Models in the 21st Century / Mark Morris, Mike Aling

Worldbuilding is the creation of imaginary worlds through forms of cultural production. Although this discourse began with ...

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ime-saver standards for landscape architecture : design and construction data / Charles W. Harris, Nicholas T. Dines, Kyle D. Brown

The most complete source of site construction standards and data for the design and planning professions and related academic ...

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lt-Form: Indeterminacy and Disorder / Viola Ago

Aims to reach peripheral disciplines in order to support an architecture that no longer operates as a standalone field of ...

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olution Sets for Net Zero Energy Buildings: Feedback from 30 Buildings Worldwide / Françios Garde, Joseph Ayoub, Laura Aelenei, Daniel Aelenei, Alessandra Scognamiglio

Presents a unique study of 30 NZEBs that have been constructed and have had their performance measured for at least 12 months. ...

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robust resilient resistant: Reinforced Concrete Structures / Jakob Schoof

Reinforced concrete is the go-to powerhouse of modern construction: no other load-bearing building material is as malleable ...

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بناء برجي سكني تجاري في مدينة دمشق / عدي خالد حاطوم ؛ إشراف د. علي تريكية

تصميم مبنى برجي سكني تجاري مؤلف من أحد عشر طابق سكني كل طابق يحوي أربعة ...

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دراسة انشائيه لبرج سكني في محافظة دمشق قيد الانشاء / حسن جاد الله درويش ؛ إشراف د. خالد صادق

مبنى مؤلف من 23 طابق: . صاله رياضية، بناء سكني، كراج، القبو الرابع.

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دراسة وتصميم بناء برجي سكني تجاري / محمد نور مروان اليسقي ؛ إشراف د. زهري حبوس ؛ م. خالد صادق

تصميم مبنى برجي سكني متعدد الوظائف مؤلف من عشر طوابق سكنية وكل طابق ...

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دراسة وتصميم بناء كلية الطب البشري في الجامعة العربية الدولية / حمزة محمد النفوري ؛ إشراف م. خالد صادق

تصميم كلية الطب البشري (الجامعة الدولية الخاصة) يتألف من خمس طوابق ...

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مبنى وزارة الزراعة / محمد وليد الأديب ؛ إشراف م. مها بركات

تصميم مبنى وزارة الزراعة

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Total Books: 421 - 436 /436