Electronic Books

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Developing burn ointment using seasam oil, tea tree oil, and,shea butter خلدون الجيوش ؛ محمود الخواجة ؛ محمد قنباز ؛ محمد علاء سكرية ؛ إشراف د. مازن رجب

The objective of our research project is to develop a burn healing ointment (Meburn) and to compare it with a well-known ...

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Healing Effects of Pumpkin : Physicochemical studies of pumpkin and its skin care preparations أميرة المفتي ؛ فاديا ابراهيم ؛ وفاء القاروط ؛ إشراف د. عبد الله المفتي ؛ د. حورية القاضي

The pumpkin is a plant that is used from thousands of years in healing patients but at the recent decades, the scientists ...

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Science and Practice of Pressure Ulcer Management

Science and Practice of Pressure Ulcer Management establishes the clinical and scientific basis behind effective pressure ...

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Stem Cell and Gene-Based Therapy

Regenerative medicine - stem cell and gene-based therapy - provides a new clinical approach for restoring function of damaged ...

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Therapeutic Dressings and Wound Healing Applications / Joshua Boateng

Takes a clinical and scientific approach to wound healing, and includes recent case studies to highlight key points and areas ...

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Total Books: 1 - 5 /5