Electronic Books

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Belly-Rippers, Surgical Innovation and the Ovariotomy Controversy

This open access book looks at the dramatic history of ovariotomy, an operation to remove ovarian tumours first practiced ...

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Cancer et traitement

This book takes stock of the needs, expectations and challenges of caring for a cancer patient at home or in hospital. Indeed, ...

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Developing a distributed medical system موفق عمار ترك ؛ محمد فواز يحيى التجار ؛ محمد عماد الملوحي ؛ محمد عبد الرحمن محي الدين الشريباتي ؛ أحمد محمد حسام رفاعي ؛ عمرو عصام صباغ ؛ إشراف د. سيرا استور

Our project is a distributed medical system that is used by patients and multiple medical sectors such as doctors, pharmacists, ...

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Dr.phone / Asmaa Hakawati , Laith Burghli , Mahmoud Mardini and Sara Alagha ; Supervised by Talal Al-Shihabi and MHD-Homam Al-Takrity اسماء مصطفى الحكواتي ، ليث برغلي ، محمد مارديني و سارة الآغا ؛ إشراف طلال الشهابي و محمد همام التكريتي

Dr phone is a software system that helps in talking with the doctor automatically and easily without the need to go to the ...

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Migration and Pandemics : Spaces of Solidarity and Spaces of Exception

This book discusses the socio-political context of the COVID-19 crisis and questions the management of the pandemic emergency ...

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Placing the Public in Public Health in Post-War Britain, 1948–2012

This book explores the question of who or what ‘the public’ is within ‘public health’ in post-war Britain. Drawing ...

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Primary Care English

This book is for those family doctors and any other health care professionals involved in Primary Care around the world who ...

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Scientific Pharmaceutical Research and Competition : Between Doctors and Pharmacists رنيم الخاوندي ؛ رنيم علاء الدين ؛ نور السيد ؛ إشراف د. عبد الوهاب علاف

The profession of pharmacist and pharmacology is a science that researches drugs, their properties, the composition of drugs ...

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