Electronic Books

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3D Imaging in Endodontics A New Era in Diagnosis and Treatment / Mohamed Fayad, Bradford R. Johnson

Provides readers with a full understanding of the role of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in helping to solve many of ...

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3D imaging in endodontics : a new era in diagnosis and treatment / Mohamed Fayad, Bradford R. Johnson

Full understanding of the role of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in helping to solve many of the most challenging problems ...

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Atlas of Wisdom Teeth Surgery

This atlas as a guidebook with twenty chapters covers the latest surgical techniques and clinical cases based on procedure-based ...

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Cleft Maxillary Reconstruction / Pat Ricalde

Aims to teach the reader about all aspects of maxillary cleft reconstruction, with emphasis on management of the patient ...

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Craniofacial 3D Imaging: Current Concepts in Orthodontics and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

This book is designed to serve as an up-to-date reference on the use of cone-beam computed tomography for the purpose of ...

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Imaging Techniques in Dental Radiology: Acquisition, Anatomic Analysis and Interpretation of Radiographic Images

This book is an up-to-date guide to the performance and interpretation of imaging studies in dental radiology. The aim is ...

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Implants in the Aesthetic Zone: A Guide for Treatment of the Partially Edentulous Patient

This book concisely elucidates the science underlying implant treatment in the aesthetic zone in partially edentulous patients ...

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