Book Details


Ecografia dellapparato osteoarticolare

Publication year: 2006

ISBN: 978-88-470-0519-8

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The echography is useful in the valutazione of articolari pathology in peace with rheumatic malattia and, other than in the diagnosis, is effective in the monitoring with power Doppler of the synovite, with a higher sensitivity to all'esame clinical. The high resolution ultrasound, integrated with the power Doppler technique, even to the degree of individualizing the entheopathic anomaly, the osseous erosion and the tendine involvement. The objective of the operation is to present the technique of same, and progress of echography in muscoloscheletric rheumatic pathology and the diagnosis of ultrasound in articolare rheumatic pathology. L’iconography è arricchita with integrated imaging of ultrasound, conventional radiology, CT and MRI.

Subject: Medicine, articolazione, color-power Doppler, ecografia, nervo, patologia muscolo-scheletrica, patologia reumatica, tendine