Book Details


Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Publication year: 2006

ISBN: 978-3-540-46234-7

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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EiTEL 2006, held in Crete, Greece in October 2006. The 32 revised full papers, 13 revised short papers and 31 poster papers presented together with 2 keynote talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 192 submissions. The conference provides a unique forum for all research related to technology-enhanced learning, as well as its interactions with knowledge management, business processes and work environments. Topics addressed are collaborative learning, personalized learning, multimedia content, semantic web, metadata and learning, workplace learning, learning repositories and infrastructures for learning, as well as experience reports, assesment, and case studies.

Subject: Computer Science, Learning Content Management System, Multimedia, SCORM, Social Software, adaptive systems, adaptive tutorials, blended learning, computer assisted learning, computer supported collarborative work, e-learning, educational technology, intelligent tuto, knowledge management, learning, semantic web