Publication year: 2006
ISBN: 978-2-287-47610-5
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As Ambient Intelligence (AmI) ecosystems are rapidly becoming a reality, they raise new research challenges. Unlike predefined static architectures as we know them today, AmI ecosystems are bound to contain a large number of heterogeneous computing, communication infrastructures and devices that will be dynamically assembled. Architectures will be sensitive, adaptive, context-aware and responsive to users‚ needs and habits.Researchers need to both enable their user-friendly application in a growing number of areas while ensuring that these applications remain reliable and secure. Held in Sophia Antipolis (France) from September the 20th to September the 22nd 2006, the first edition of the AmI.d conference tackled the latest research challenges within AmI ecosystems, presented AmI applications as well as security solutions.
Subject: Computer Science, CompTIA RFID+, Dependability, Security, Systems engineering, Ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence, radio-frequency identification (RFID)