Publication year: 2006
ISBN: 978-3-540-37678-1
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Software development for the automotive domain is currently subject to a silent revolution. On the one hand, software has become the enabling technology for almost all safety-critical and comfort functions o?ered to the customer. A total of 90 % of all innovations in automotive systems are directly or indirectly - abled by software. the following list highlights three of the corresponding challenges: First, the dependencies between safety-critical and comfort functions are rapidly increasing;a simple example is the interplay of airbag controland power seat control in the case of an accident. Careful analysis and design of these dependencies are necessary to yield correct software solutions. Second, advances in wired and wireless networking infrastructures enable - terconnection between cars and backend service providers .
Subject: Computer Science, CASE, Electronic Control Unit, Quality of Service, ad-hoc networking, architecture, automotive hardware, distributed systems, error containment, error detection, fault tolerance, platform, privacy, real-ti, real-time, safety