Book Details


Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications

Publication year: 2002

ISBN: 978-3-540-46148-7

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The AIMSA conference series was frst conceived in 1984 as a gathering of AI researchers and students from Eastern and Central Europe.Sincethenthecon- rence has followed a biennial schedule of meetings in Bulgaria, attracting parti- pantsfrom awidergeographicalarea.The AIMSA organizers are delighted to present you with another exciting program, coveringmostareasof Artifcial Intelligence.Inkeepingwithitsm- sion to inform the research community and excite the commercial sector, AIMSA presents this year two invited contributions from world-leading European rese- chersworkingoncutting-edgeAIresearch: Prof.CaroleGoble, ontheSemantic Web.

Subject: Computer Science, AI planning, adaptive systems, artificial intelligence, autonomous robot, expert system, intelligent information, processing, intelligent systems, knowledge management, maschine learning, multi-agent system, natural language, nlp, optimization, proving, semantic web