Book Details


Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks

Publication year: 2006

ISBN: 978-3-540-36861-8

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The Turkish Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Symposium (TAINN) is an annual meeting where scientists present their new ideas and algorithms on artificial intelligence and neural networks with either oral or poster presentation. The TAINN- Turkish Conference on AI and NN Series started in 1992 at Bilkent University in Ankara, envisioned by various researchers in AI and NN then at the Bilkent, Middle East Technical, Bo aziçi and Ege universities as a forum for local researchers to get together and communicate. Since then, TAINN has been held annually around early summer. This year the 14th TAINN conference was organized by the EE and CE departments of the zmir Institute of Technology with an emphasis on international contributions.

Subject: Computer Science, artificial intelligence, classification, fuzzy, fuzzy logic, image processing, intelligence, learning, learning theory, machine learning, neural network, robot, robotics