Publication year: 2006
ISBN: 978-3-540-48292-5
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In 2005, two AOIS workshops were held internationally. The first was affiliated with the AAMAS 2005 meeting in July in Utrecht in The Netherlands and chaired by Henderson-Sellers and Winikoff and the second with ER 2005 in November in Klagenfurt in Austria and chaired by Kolp and Bresciani. The best papers from these meetings were identified and authors invited to revise and possibly extend their papers in the light of reviewers’ comments and feedback at the workshop. We have grouped these papers loosely under four headings: Agent behavior, communications and reasoning; Methodologies and ontologies; Agent-oriented software engineering; and Applications.
Subject: Computer Science, agent communication, agent cooperation, agent-based information systems, agent-based modeling, agent-oriented information systems, agent-oriented software engineering, architecture, communication, cooperative information systems, information agents, information system, mobile computing, multi-agent system, mutli-agent syst, ontology