Book Details


Advances in Information Retrieval (vol. # 3936)

Publication year: 2006

ISBN: 978-3-540-33348-7

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The These proceedings contain the refereed papers and posters presented at the 28 Annual European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2006), which was held at Imperial College London in South Kensington between April 10 and 12, 2006. ECIR is the annual conference of the British Computer Society’s Inf- mation Retrieval Specialist Group. The event started its life as a colloquium in 1978 and was held in the UK each year until 1998, when the event took place in Grenoble, France. Since then the venue has alternated between the UK and Continental Europe.

Subject: Computer Science, Multimedia, Navigation, Performance, Web que, classification, clustering, complexity, genomic IR, image retrieval, information extraction, machine learning, multimedia retrieval, organization, semantics, similarity search