Publication year: 2006
ISBN: 978-3-540-36037-7
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The Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM-Leipzig was the sixth event in a series of annual events which started in 2000. We are pleased to note that the topic data mining with special emphasis on real-world applications has been adopted by so many researchers all over the world into their research work. We received 156 papers from 19 different countries. The main topics are data mining in medicine and marketing, web mining, mining of images and signals, theoretical aspects of data mining, and aspects of data mining that bundle a series of different data mining applications such as intrusion detection, knowledge management, manufacturing process control, time-series mining and criminal investigations. The Program Committee worked hard in order to select the best papers.
Subject: Computer Science, Alignment, Fuzzy, Performance, algorithmic learning, business data mining, classification clustering, communication, data mining, e-learning, intrusion detection, knowledge management, log data mining, multidimensional scaling, robot