Book Details


Adaptive Learning of Polynomial Networks

Publication year: 2006

ISBN: 978-0-387-31240-8

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This book provides theoretical and practical knowledge for develop­ ment of algorithms that infer linear and nonlinear models. It offers a methodology for inductive learning of polynomial neural network mod­ els from data. The design of such tools contributes to better statistical data modelling when addressing tasks from various areas like system identification, chaotic time-series prediction, financial forecasting and data mining. The main claim is that the model identification process involves several equally important steps: finding the model structure, estimating the model weight parameters, and tuning these weights with respect to the adopted assumptions about the underlying data distrib­ ution. When the learning process is organized according to these steps, performed together one after the other or separately, one may expect to discover models that generalize well.

Subject: Computer Science, Bayesian inference, algorithms, artificial intelligence, genetic programming, intelligence, learning, machine learning, navigation, programming