Publication year: 2006
ISBN: 978-3-540-29428-3
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This well-established, didactically excellent textbook combines clarity with extraordinary accuracy in the formation of terms and in the derivations. The electromagnetic field theory and the mathematical methods required for it are taught. Maxwell's equations are presented and explained. This is followed by explanations about electrostatics, flow problems, magnetostatics, quasi-stationary fields and electromagnetic waves. It gives an outlook on fundamental questions, some of which are still open, from physics to quantum mechanics. A chapter on the special theory of relativity, with the help of which numerous problems of electromagnetic field theory can be solved more easily, rounds off the work.
Subject: Engineering, Elektromagnet, Ersatzladungsmethoden, Feldtheorie, Handel, Magnetostatik, Maxwell, Maxwell-Gleichungen, Maxwellsche Gleichungen, Mechanik, Quantenmechanik, Randelemente, Relativitätstheorie, elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen, elektromagnetische Welle, finite Differenzen