Publication year: 2006
ISBN: 978-3-540-28367-6
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Uranium is an element to be found ubiquitous in rock, soil, and water. Uranium concentrations in natural ground water can be more than several hundreds µg/l without impact from mining, nuclear industry, and fertilizers. Considering the WHO recommendation for drinking water of 15 µg/l (has been as low as 2 µg/l before) due to the chemical toxicity of uranium the element uranium has become an important issue in environmental research. Besides natural enrichment of uranium in aquifers uranium mining and milling activities, further uranium processing to nuclear fuel, emissions form burning coal and oil, and the application of uranium containing phosphate fertilizers may enrich the natural uranium concentrations in soil and water by far.
Subject: Earth and Environmental Science, Engineering, Geochemistry, Geosciences, Groundwater, Hydrology, Microbiology, Soil Science, emissions, environment, hydrogeology, mining, radioactive waste, remediation, toxicity