Publication year: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-387-27447-8
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In this newest edition, we find that the newest discussion of P450 structure includes information of bacterial (soluble) P450s interwoven with that of eukaryotic (membrane bound) of this superfamily, highlighting the newest developments in this area. The complete battery of human P450s is now known and summarized in the new edition. In addition, general overviews of plant P450s and those from microbes contained within this newest edition provide a broader view of P450 diversity than seen in earlier editions. Each of these three editions should be on bookshelves of laboratories studying P450s. The third edition of Cytochrome P450: Structure, Mechanism, and Biochemistry provides an opportunity to judge progress in many key areas of P450 research while at the same time learn of new directions in the field. It is an excellent and most useful volume.
Subject: Medicine, Oxidation, biochemistry, cytochrome P450, enzymes, metabolism