Publication year: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-84628-057-3
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Book has focused on the broad structural investigation of the anorectum and on the focused management of largely “functional” problems. And it has done so in style. For this is a core area of specialist practice;your more general colleagues may think twice before referring you new cases of cancer and in?ammatory bowel disease (both also central areas in colorectal surgery), but they will not hesitate in referring the patients whose inves- gation and management are described here. And they will expect you to know how to deal with them. These are some of the most challenging patients to manage. Rightly have the editors covered the physiological areas,rightly the psychological issues, rightly the medicolegal aspects: here is the making of a specialist—the sword and the shield.
Subject: Medicine, Anorectal Disease, Coloproctology, Colorectal Surgery, Gastroenterology, Incontinence, histopathology, imaging, ultrasound