Publication year: 2005
ISBN: 978-3-211-31222-3
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The book comprises a number of topics related to psychosocial and motor development and is exemplary with regard to its comprehensiveness, as reviews of the topics presented are generally not available in a single publication. It starts with a timely and critical discussion of the genetics of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by Dr. Buitelaar in which prospects and challenges of this approach are outlined. The next chapter by Drs. Nicolson and Fawcett deals with dyslexia and its relationship to cerebellar function providing a framework that can explain motor, speed, and phonological deficits in a unified approach. Diagnostic and treatment aspects of speech development disorders are the focus of Dr. Zorowka’s contribution in which, among other issues, the necessity of mul- professional cooperation is stressed. Dr. Sigmundsson then focuses on disorders of motor development. 6-10 % of children have motor competence well below the norm, which often persist.
Subject: Medicine, Neurology, Syndrom, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), genetics, hyperactivity, intervention, psychiatry