Book Details


Pattern Recognition and Data Mining

Publication year: 2005

ISBN: 978-3-540-28758-2

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The two volume set LNCS 3686 and LNCS 3687 constitutes the refereedproceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in PatternRecognition, ICAPR 2005, held in Bath, UK in August 2005. The papers submitted to ICAPR 2005 were thoroughly reviewed by up tothree referees per paper and less than 40% of the submitted papers wereaccepted. The first volume includes 73 contributions related to PatternRecognition and Data Mining (which included papers from the tracks ofpattern recognition methods, knowledge and learning, and data mining); topics addressed are pattern recognition, data mining, signal processingand OCR/ document analysis. The second volume contains 87 contributionsrelated to Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (which included papersfrom the applications track) and deals with security and surveillance, biometrics, image processing and medical imaging. It also containspapers from the Workshop on Pattern Recognition for Crime Prevention.

Subject: Computer Science, Augmented Reality, biometrics, data mining, image analysis, image processing, learning, pattern recognition