Book Details


Information Systems Security (vol. # 3803)

Publication year: 2005

ISBN: 978-3-540-32422-5

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The 1st InternationalConference on Information Systems Security (ICISS 2005) was held December 19–21, 2005 at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. The objectives of the conference were to discuss in depth the current state of the research and practice in information systems security, enable participants to bene?tfrompersonalcontactwithotherresearchersandexpandtheirknowledge, and disseminate the research results. This volumecontains 4 invitedpapers,19refereedpapersthat werepresented at the conference, and 5 ongoing project summaries. The refereed papers, which were selected from the 72 submissions, were rigorouslyreviewed by the Program Committee members. The volume provides researcherswith a broad perspective of recent developments in information systems security. A special note of than...

Subject: Computer Science, Code, DOM, Extensible Markup Language (XML), Information, P2P computing, authorization, boradcast encryption, distributed computing, fingerprinting, identity, intrusion detection, privacy, security, trust, trust models