Publication year: 2005
ISBN: 978-3-540-31860-6
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The Internet is a massive global network of over 700 million users and it is addingusers at the rate of 300,000 per day. This large, distributed, and everchangingnetwork poses a challenge to researchers: How does one study, model, or under-stand such a decentralized, constantly evolving entity? The workshop Combi-natorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking and the Internet (CAAN 2004)provided a forum for the exchange of ideas on these topics. and among thepapers were some new and surprising results as well as some introductions tothe foundations of the field.The workshop program featured 12 peer-reviewed papers bracketed by Topics covered by the talks ranged from the Web graph to game theoryto string matching, all in the context of large-scale networks. This volume collectstogether the talks delivered at the workshop along with a number of survey articlesto round out the presentation and give a comprehensive introduction to the topic.
Subject: Computer Science, algorithms, combinatorics, communication networks, complexity, data stream analysis, economics, game theory, and the internet, game theory, geometric routing, graph theory, web graph, net, optimization, peer-to-peer systems, statistical distributions, tomography, web caching