Book Details


Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce VI

Publication year: 2005

ISBN: 978-3-540-33166-7

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The design of intelligent trading agents, mechanisms, and systems has receivedgrowing atttention in the agents and multiagent systems communities in aneffort to address the increasing costs of search, transaction, and coordinationwhich follows from the increasing number of Internet-enabled distibuted elec-tronic markets. Furthermore, new technologies and supporting business modelsare resulting in a growing volume of open and horizontally integrated markets fortrading of an increasingly diverse set of goods and services. However, growth oftechnologies for such markets requires innovative solutions to a diverse set of ex-isting and novel technical problems which we are only beginning to understand.Specifically, distributed markets present not only traditional

Subject: Computer Science, Revision, agents, artificial intelligence, computer science, distributed systems, electronic commerce, intelligence, modeling, operations research